Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Laminating - Laminating - Laminating

So...started laminating all my new cards, bulletin board sets, etc. 2 hours later, I was done. Wow. I didn't realize what I had to do! Now, it'll probably take me several days to finish trimming everything.

Next week, I get to teach some kinders at our Kinder Kamp. I'm excited! We get to tour the school, work on routines, manners, procedures, etc. We also get to play! They will be visiting my centers and then I'll be ready for my preschoolers! If I can figure it out, I'll have pictures tomorrow.

Mrs. Diane

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I love Ingles 360 and am excited that she has a new giveaway!!! I really want to win this one!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alphabet Songs

I love to sing in the classroom and I am looking forward to getting these Alphabet Songs by Have Fun Teaching. 
I'm always looking for letter videos for my preschoolers - some learn best by singing!

Here is just one of the videos (I chose the letter "D", of course):

Sunday, April 29, 2012

One month left

It's been a long week having had conferences (my first as a teacher) last week. Time, now, to plan a few more weeks and our end-of-year program. Students made some caterpillars and butterflies last week while I finished assessments and conferences. 
Have a great week!

Friday, April 13, 2012